Emancipation Guidelines
Good evening ladies, first and foremost I want to apologize for how busy I have gotten since my return to Atlanta. I have not been able to work on the photos as I expected but will going forward try my best to get some out each day until the process is completed, since we all should agree that something is better than nothing.
- The process of releasing won't be in any specific order other than (like a math exam) working on the easiest first. The objective was to release all the selected photos at the same time, but at this stage I have decided to quench any eagerness or impatience with my decision to randomly release photos once ready for viewing.
- The initial photos sent to you for the purpose of choosing your favorite, is not the final product. They are only adjusted for crop, color and exposure and in some cases may have a filter and will be watermarked or presented in the format of a generic magazine cover like the example below, to limit the use of photos that are not finalized. If necessary your final choices may be photoshopped at your request if you want any part of it modified. Your final selection will not be watermarked.
- Ten models were shot at Smokey Vale in 3 separate outfits averaging approx 100 shots per outfit. When you do the math, the result was easily over 3000 photos. I obviously won't have the time to edit every photo, so I choose the ones that reflect my objective, for the model to then choose their favorite from each outfit as a keepsake. It is their selected photo that I may modify in Photoshop if necessary. Meaning... I love the natural look of all the models who looked fabulous regardless of their age and would prefer that they look as natural as possible since the project is all about older women still looking great, but if you would like any part of your body altered to suit your taste, then I would do my best "as always" to satisfy your desire. I therefore don't expect to photoshop more than 3 photos per person.
- During a photoshoot, not all of the photos will come out satisfactory for a number of different reasons (bad lighting, blinking eyes, unflattering poses, technical difficulties etc the list is quite long), so some participants will have a lot more photos than others in some cases, this is expected, so don't feel slighted. The goal was to get one photo from each outfit and I believe we have accomplished that.
- Any photos that I post online can be downloaded or shared by you as you deem fit.
- As explained before your shoot, I choose the artistic direction of the look, color, feel, pose and composition of the photo based on my interpretation of the personality of the model so there will be vaied looks from one phot to the next, but I am open to your comments or suggestions as to what you would like me to do to make your photo even more desirable or appealing to you.
- Lastly... No boudoir photos will be posted in this group unless you like Denise feel liberated; or in simpler terms, give your consent, so please exhale. When I complete those, I will create individual private folders with a password for your eyes only. You will then select the photo you want me to render and I will complete it and only post it in the group if you gave the Ok, I however will retain the right to post any photo of my choosing (as a part of my own portfolio or writings) as I deem fit, but will use my discretion not to reveal faces, private parts and nipples (which in actuality are no longer considered private parts in our society) in certain cases, so please relax and trust my judgment, but don't hesitate to directly contact me if you wish to discuss any concerns you may have.
- I truly hope that when all is said and done, every single participant will feel like this was a fun and worthwhile experience and ultimately will feel satisfied with their choice of a keepsake that will not just lock in the associated memories, but also lock in the way they looked at the time they made their priceless decision to "SHOOT IT BEFORE THEY LOSE IT."
- 1976